Scenes from the weekend

Mister is spending the weekend with my brother and sister-in-law, chasing snow throughout northern Michigan.  Some are thrilled by this unusually warm winter we’ve had, but for a snow/snowmobile loving family, it’s quite upsetting.

stolen from his facebook

At home, we’re settling into a lazy day of Prison Break season 4, cleaning, knitting, hanging out with the pets, and other incredibly dull, but awesome-to-me things.

Cooper, ever the ham, always comes around for photos.

There’s a vent on this wall and the spot has Baxter’s name on it all winter long.

Meanwhile, Emma is terrified of the camera. I found her in the corner, facing the wall, absolutely refusing to look at me.

Cooper is cute, sure, but the real reason I had the camera out was to play around, hoping to learn some new settings.  I’ve had a Nikon D70 for years but I, quite embarrassingly, have almost no idea how to use it.  Planning to change that soon, though.  Over an Indian food lunch date today, a friend and I discussed taking photography classes soon.  We’re pretty pumped, provided we can find an upcoming weekend class.  While I have this daylight, too, I’ll take some final photos for the upcoming Toolshed series.  Let’s hope my photography skills improve alongside your knitting skills!

Most importantly, there’s no backing out now – Milkshed supplies arrived, so it’s time to start working on some great new inventory.  I’m giddy.

One thought on “Scenes from the weekend

  1. I love your photos – the picture of Emma made me laugh out loud and the yarn looks so pretty – all the different colors in a row in the box. Lovely!

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